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How to send text messages

Learn how you can use either email or SMS to deliver you messages to new hires, employees and managers.

Written by Paulin Larsen Berglöf
Updated over a week ago

To start sending text messages as part of your onboarding journey, please follow this guide!

Note that the text message feature is only available on the Enterprise tier - please chat with our sales team for an enquiry.

Open message editor

You can either create a new message or open one of your existing messages.

Select delivery channel

Here you have the options for how the message should be delivered, choose Text message as the delivery channel.

Add the content

Start writing your message in the editor. As with any message you can add text, images and interactive blocks such as tasks and form questions. When sending your message as a text message there are some factors to consider.

  • The message subject will not be shown in the SMS but as the page title in the portal.

  • Rich content such as images, video, tasks or headings will not be shown in the SMS but will be accessible via the link to the portal. This is because the SMS format just support simple text.

  • The recipient wont be able to respond with a SMS message as it's sent from an alphanumerical sender - meaning it's sent from your company name and not from a phone number. The sender name can be edited in your company settings.

When you want to preview how the message will look you can save it and preview it.

You can choose the preview how the message will look in the Portal as well. The recipient will be able to access the portal directly by clicking the link in the SMS - no login required.

The rest of the steps of finishing your message is the same as with an email message.

Add recipient(s)

Select up to 6 recipients to the message. Note that messages with tasks or form questions only can have one recipient.

Choose who will get notifications

The people getting the recipient's question answers and task notifications for the message.

Set send time

The timing of the send time in relation to new hire's first day.

Task deadline

Set the amount of days the recipient has to complete the tasks or answer the form questions. You can also set the amount of reminders here.

Save and set live!

You have finished writing a text message that is ready to be used in your onboardings! Click Save and Set live and the message will be available for your next new hire!

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