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Trigger payload

A description of the information triggers sends to Zapier.

Written by Paulin Larsen Berglöf
Updated over 4 years ago

Triggers are sent to Zapier with the data below as the payload. You can use the data to build your workflows and pass the data along to your other apps.

  • dayZero - The first or last day of the employee depending on if it's an onboarding or offboarding journey. It's sent in a ISO 8601 format that enables you do adjust the date and time when constructing your workflow.

  • dayZeroPretty - A more human-friendly formatting of the first or last day.

  • sentOn - Timestamp of when the trigger was sent.

  • journeyLanguage - The language of the journey that effects language on buttons and labels in the employee portal. This is set in your journey settings.

  • journeyType - If it's an onboarding journey or offboarding journey.

  • journeyer - The employee being onboarded or offboarded. This field hold all the information about the employee including customFields values that you can customise in your settings.

  • manager - the employees' manager data.

  • manager.externalData and journeyer.externalData - if the employee is connected to other integrated accounts, it will be listed here.

journeyId: "999",
journeyName: "Sample journey",
dayZero: "2020-11-06T00:00:00.000Z",
dayZeroPretty: "Friday, 6 Nov",
sentOn: "2020-11-06T00:00:00.000Z",
journeyLanguage: "English",
journeyType: "Onboarding",
journeyer: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
fullName: "John Doe",
email: "",
phone: "+48999999999",
profileImage: "",
title: "Sales Rep",
timeZone: "Europe/Stockholm",
customFields: {
office: "Stockholm",
externalData: {},
manager: {
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe",
fullName: "Jane Doe",
email: "",
phone: "+48999999999",
profileImage: "",
title: "Sales manager",
timeZone: "Europe/Stockholm",
customFields: {
office: "Stockholm",
externalData: {},

Note that the example values are replaced with your real onboarding data when scheduling your journey.

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